Totally Busted
I just keep telling myself that it’s just one more year – ONE MORE YEAR – and then I’ll free from this student loan burden that is just killing me right now—no longer paycheck to paycheck—but that’s not much conciliation right now when I’ve got $50 bucks to live off of for the next two weeks.
May should be the last month when I’m really stretching myself thin (at least for a while), but, still, I just don’t see any kind of car in my future this summer. Even a junker is going to cost me a lot of cash up front with plates, registration, insurance, and gas—and I just don’t have it. Giving all my tax money to Mel really hurt me—I don’t regret it because I promised her that I would, and at least I have a job, but that doesn’t mean it didn’t just wipe me out.
So, I emailed my landlord today, informing her that the lease will be changing back into my name July 1. Hopefully that will reduce my rent by $25. It’s not much, but I’ll take whatever I can get right now. I also asked her for a bus pass, which she has so kindly offered before, so hopefully she’ll be able to get her hands on one—that’ll make it totally free for me to ride as much as I need! *crossing fingers*
The other part is clothing. *sigh*
Three weeks ago I tried on my Capri pants that I’d bought last year. They fit really well—perfect really—but the weather was too cold to wear them. It’s still a little chilly today, but I decided to wear them anyway…
…and now they’re practically too big.
My suits and all my nice work clothes are OK for the time-being, which I’m going to need for the next several months because I’ll be training everyday, but I’m not sure I have any warm weather clothes. I’ve got some stuff in storage I’ll go through this weekend; hopefully there’s stuff in there that fits. I just don’t know, though.
*sigh* I guess I’ll be stuck in my room at home for a few more weeks…
I shouldn't complain, though: at least I have the means to pay my bills.
Ugh, I hear you about the money thing. I have been paying back some credit card debt (and of course, not using them) and it has been hard sometimes. Most weeks I manage ok but there have been some weeks where I have really had to tighten my belt.
I am worried because my car is getting a lot older and I will need a new one soon but right now, there is NO WAY I can afford one. I might be taking the bus to work with you...assuming there is a bus since Ypsilanti is still considering not paying AATA. I think that bus that goes by work is one of the routes that could be eliminated. (good news though, they have implimented a fare increase which will keep the busses rolling for a while longer).
You know if you need help I can do my best to try and help you. Why did you give Mel your tax money? Was this before you saw the light?
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