Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Train Rides

One of my favorite things to do is ride the train. When I was in college, I used to take the train from Flagstaff to L.A. for Christmas break. That was always in the middle of the night, through the mountains, so it was often very cold and difficult to sleep, but I still loved it. I also took the train from Toledo to NYC. That time I treated myself to a sleeper—wow, that was great and I slept like a baby! It was expensive, though. $$$

I’ve taken the train several times to Chicago—once for just a day. That was a hoot—Lynne and I caught the early train for Chi-town, had lunch at the Cheesecake Factory, did a little sight-seeing, visited a friends of hers, and then she was back on the train home. I stayed the night and headed out to my favorite bar, the Closet in Boy’s Town. That was the night I met and made out with Stacey, the uber-hot neonatalogist. She was crazy, I think, but all I could think about was her lips.

Damn! What a night that was! I’ll never forget it.

Anyway, what got me thinking about trains tonight is that I just bought a ticket for the end of March to visit my best friend, Lisa. She’s pretty local, actually—I just take the train from A2 to Royal Oak, which most people find incredibly odd, but it’s a pretty nice way to travel when you live in a household that shares one car. And with gas prices like they are, it costs almost the same as I would pay in gas…and certainly less than a car payment, not to mention insurance.

So, yes, I take the train to Detroit. It may seem a little odd for this area, but it’s cool to me. It also gives me a chance to have a beer and a hotdog while I’m sitting back, letting someone else drive.

Have you ever tried Amtrak hotdogs? They are great!


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