Monday, March 06, 2006

Salad & No-Car Woes

I’ve eaten a lot of salad lately. I’m trying to loose all this bloody weight I’ve put on in the last 2 years and get in all my veggies like a good healthy girl: salads are perfect for that, right? Right!

So, I had a nice big salad with my tilapia last night. 2 whole cups with beets, garbanzo beans, cherry tomatoes, a few green olives, feta cheese, and Greek salad dressing. I charted out my calories and knew I needed to eat a good-sized dinner to get to 1500. The good news was that I ate all my calories yesterday and worked out just because I felt like it. Also, the tilapia turned out fantastic—just a dash of peanut oil was all I needed to brown and firm up the cornmeal coating.

The bad news is that 15 hours later I’m still paying for the salad. Oy!

It started shortly after I finished my dinner. Maybe I ate too much or maybe those olives should be thrown in the trash. I dunno but this indigestion is really awful. All morning my stomach has been rumbling unhappily. I even fed it a whole bagel hoping that would help…nope.

Where’s the Alka-Seltzer when I need it…

I guess this means I need to take a break from salads for a few days. Unfortunately, I don’t have many more vegetable options at home…just several cans of green beans, which I dislike rather strongly. I have corn and peas, too, but those are starches. If I had a car I’d just go to the grocery store, but I’m not going to do that this week because I have plenty of food and that kind of detour on the bus can take, easily, 3 hours. I’ve already gotta make a trip to the laundry, and that’s another big whopping time sucker.


I just gotta keep my eye on the future. It won’t be too long and I’ll be able to save enough money to buy/lease a car. I can do it by June.

For now, though, I just gotta take this week one thing at a time. I got to work today with no problem, and I’ve got a ride into Ann Arbor so that I can see my therapist. After that I’ll take the bus home. That’s almost an hour trip, but it’s a straight shot. After that I’ll have lunch and then take a walk down the way to the storage place to pay my rent. That’s not much of a walk, though, so I’ll do some kick-boxing or Denise Austin (if I can stand the bitch) from home. Then I’ll shower, relax, and then head out to Depot Town for dinner at Sidetrack.

Yea, that’s my plan. Good plan.

Hey, I’m wearing a tunic and jean jacket that I haven’t been able to wear with any dignity in a while. I look pretty good in it, too…even better than when I bought the tunic. LOVE THAT!

Oy! Here come the stomach cartwheels again…I gotta go find someone who had TUMS or something…


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your pregnant friend here thinks your salad fixin's sound awful! My stomach was turning reading it!!! I won't even get started on the tilapia...Sorry for the belly woes. There have been many a time I have enjoyed my dinner to find that the baby has not. Me, I am liking steak and creamed spinach as my meal of choice. Too bad there is no grocery delivery service...Hang in there!

6:55 PM  

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