Thursday, March 09, 2006

Sound Check

Just wanted to let y'all know that now when I post song lyrics you can click on the title of the song and hear a brief sample in .WAV format. I've tried to keep them under 2 MB for those of you on dial-up.

Some people ask me about why I post song lyrics: are they relavant to my life? Do I just like them? Why do I do it?

It's kind of a mixture of everything. I pick those that have a similar, but not exact, theme as to what I'm feeling or writting about, but I also have to like the song. Rarely is there a song that precisely mirrors my feelings, but there are many out there that we can all relate to. I also try to pick a mixture of different styles, but most of my songs will be songs written and recorded by women.

I like women, and women muscicians, especially rockers, don't get nearly the kind of support that men do in the music business. Check out Amy Ray's Lucystoners if you're interested in a song about just that. It's great!


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